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Meta-Analysis | Three Models for Meta-Analysis

Posted on:July 1, 2024

Table of contents

1. Notations & The General Model

K independent studies whose indexes are j = 1, 2, …, K:

The goal of a meta-analysis is to combine θ^j\hat{\theta}_j in a single result to get good inference about θ\theta. Basically, there are three approaches to model the effect sizes. All of them can be considered as specified by the following model (each with its own assumptions):

θ^j=θj+ϵj j=1,2,,K\hat{\theta}_j = \theta_j + \epsilon_j \ \quad j=1,2,\cdots,K


ϵjN(0,σj2)\epsilon_j \sim N(0, \sigma_j^2)

In this distribution, σj2\sigma_j^2 is an unknown parameter. However, meta-analysis does not estimate them - it uses the estimated values σ^j2\hat{\sigma}_j^2 provided by authors directly. In this case, we write:

ϵjN(0,σ^j2)\epsilon_j \sim N(0, \hat{\sigma}_j^2)

What is the connection between θj\theta_j and θ\theta? After all, our ultimate goal is to estimate θ\theta. While each of these three models has its own interpretation of θ\theta (due to different assumptions), they all essentially involve some form of θj\theta_j aggregation:

θ=weighted_sum(θj)\theta = \text{weighted\_sum}(\theta_j)

Thus, the estimate of θ\theta also shares a similar form among three approaches, which is the weighted sum of θ^j\hat{\theta}_j:

θ^=j=1Kwjθ^jj=1Kwj\hat{\theta} = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^K w_j \hat{\theta}_j}{\sum_{j=1}^K w_j}

They only differ in how to define the weights wjw_j.

Be careful! The meanings of “fixed effects” and “random effects” here differ from those in the “fixed effects model” and “random effects model” used in panel data analysis (refer to this post).

2. Common-Effect Model

θ^j=θ+ϵj\hat{\theta}_j = \theta + \epsilon_j

3. Fixed-Effects Model

θ^j=θj+ϵj\hat{\theta}_j = \theta_j + \epsilon_j

4. Random-Effects Model

θ^j=θj+ϵj=θ+uj+ϵjujN(0,τ2)\hat{\theta}_j = \theta_j + \epsilon_j = \theta + u_j + \epsilon_j \\ u_j \sim N(0, \tau^2)

About τ2\tau^2:

5. Model Estimation

The universal method - Inverse-variance estimation method

In the REM case,

θ^=(jwjθj^)/(jwj)se(θ^)=1/jwj\hat{\theta} =(\sum_jw_j\hat{\theta_j}) / (\sum_j w_j)\\ se(\hat{\theta}) = \sqrt{1/\sum_j w_j}

Hence, we can construct the confidence interval or do hypothesis testing for θ\theta. That is what is called “the CI of the summary effect” in most meta-analyses.