Table of contents
1. Tree
1.1 Tree Representation
- tree = root label + branches
- branch = tree
- 没有branch的tree称为leaf
# tree的本质[value, list, list]
# 第一个list是左枝,第二个list是右枝
# 例: [3, [1], [2, [1], [1]]]
# tree的constructor
def tree(label, branches=[]):
for branch in branches:
assert is_tree(branch)
return [label] + list(branches)
# tree的selector: 获取tree的root label
def label(tree):
return tree[0]
# tree的selector: 获取tree的branches
def branches(tree):
return tree[1:]
def is_tree(tree):
if type(tree) != list or len(tree) < 1:
return False
for branch in branches(tree):
if not is_tree(branch):
return False
return True
def is_leaf(tree):
return not branches(tree)
1.2 Tree Processing
def leaves(tree):
"""Return a list containing the leaf labels of tree.
>>> leaves(fib_tree(5)
if is_leaf(tree):
return [label(tree)]
return sum([leaves(b) for b in branches(tress)], [])
def count_paths(t, total):
Return the number of paths from the root to any node in tree t \
for which the labels along the path sum to total.
if label(t) == total:
found = 1
found = 0
return found + sum([count_paths(b, total-label(t)) for b in branches(t)])
2. Iterators
2.1 Iterable & Iterator
- Def (iterable): Any value that can be passed to
to produce an iterator. - Def (iterator): Returned from
and can be passed tonext
. It is mutable.- iterator = iterable value + cursor
: return the next element in an iterator (i.e. 当前位置元素+光标右移)- iterator是“消耗型”的:末尾的时候使用next会抛出StopIteration异常。
- 对于字典,其keys、values、items均为iterable values,不是iterators。
- 许多built-in function返回iterators that compute results lazily:
map(func, iterable)
: Iterate over func(x) for x in iterable.filter(func, iterable)
: Iterate over x in iterable if func(x).zip(first_iter, second_iter)
: Iterate over co-indexed (x,y) pairs.reversed(sequence)
: Iterate over x in a sequence in reverse order.
2.2 Generators
The generator is a special kind of iterator.
生成器函数:Generator Function
values rather thanreturn
values.- A generator is an iterator created automatically by calling a generator function.
>>> def plus_minus(x):
... yield x
... yield -x
>>> t = plus_minus(3)
>>> next(t)
>>> next(t)
>>> t
<generator object plus_minus ...>
↑ 使用generator function生成generator的时候并没有执行generator function;直到next函数执行时,generator function才开始执行;并且运行直到遇见yield,然后「暂停(pause)」。
yield from
: yields all values from an iterator or iterable value; 相当于for循环+yield:
def countdown(k):
if k > 0:
yield k
yield from countdown(k-1)
>>> list(countdown(5))
# 等价形式↓
def countdown(k):
if k > 0:
yield k
for x in countdown(k-1):
yield x
Generator Functions with Return Statements ↓ (Returned value is not yielded!)
def f(x):
yield x
yield x+1
# 永远不会执行下面这句
yield x+3
3. Class & Object
3.1 Methods
class Account:
# print(2+3)
interest = 0.02 # A class attribute: Shared across all instances of a class.
# self = an instance
def __init__(self, account_holder):
self.balance = 0
self.holder = account_holder
def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance = self.balance + amount
return self.balance
def withdraw(self, amount):
if amount > self.balance:
return 'Insufficient funds'
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return self.balance
a = Account('Jim')
The suite(i.e. class body) is executed when the class statement is executed.

When a class is called:
- A new instance of that class is created;
- The
method of the class is called with the new object as its first argument (nameself
), along with any additional arguments provided in the call expression -self
即为刚刚创建的new instance,__init__
Methods are defined in the suite of a class statement:
- method的name没有bind在某个frame里 - bind as attributes of a class.
- method在调用时不用给self传对应的参数 - 调用该method的instance自动作为self的参数。
- Methods和Functions是有区别的:method全称为bound method, 包含一个function+会call它的object, 这样也就保证了该object在调用该function时不需要显性传入第一个argument:
: 这里的tom_account.deposit
是一个method.Account.deposit(tom_account, 1000)
: 这里的Account.deposit
3.2 Inheritance