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Python | Abstractions with Functions

Posted on:February 22, 2019

Table of contents

1. Expression and Environment

1.1 Expressions

An expression describes a computation and evaluates to a value. 两种类型:

Call Expressions

Evaluation Procedure for Call Expressions

  1. Evaluate the operator and then the operand subexpressions(先操作符,再操作数).
  2. Apply the function that is the value of the operator subexpression to the arguments that are the values of the operand subexpression(操作符和操作数都要evaluate完才能进行计算).

1.2 Environment

Name and Assignment Statement


Execution Rule for Assignment Statements

  1. Evaluate all expressions to the right of = from left to right(等号右边的从左到右依次eval).
  2. Bind all names to the left of = to the resulting values in the current frame(将等号左边的name和右边的value一一对应bind起来).

2. Defining New Functions

2.1 Define a Function

# 其中<name>(<formal parameters>)被称为“function signature(函数签名)”

def <name>(<formal parameters>):
		return <return expression>

def statement执行的规则:

  1. Create a function with signature <name>(<formal parameters>)
  2. Set the body of that function to be everything indented after the first line
  3. Bind <name> to that function in the current frame

2.2 Call a User-Defined Function

Execution Rule for Calling User-defined Functions

  1. Add a local frame, forming a new environment(local frame的名字一般就用函数的名字).
  2. Bind the function’s formal parameters to its argument values in that frame.
  3. Execute the body of the function in that new environment.

2.3 Non-pure Functions

「print sth.」 vs 「evaluate sth.」

Pure function vs Non-pure function

2.4 Multiple Environment: An Example

上图中有3个different environments:

Looking up names in environments

Review: def statement执行的规则>>>画diagram

  1. 定位当前的frame
  2. 在该frame里写出function name
  3. 在该frame外创建function object
    • func <name>(<formal parameters>) [parent=当前frame]
    • 若是lambda函数,这里的<name>写λ
  4. 箭头从frame里的function name指向frame外的function object

2.5 补充例子:同名函数

3. Control Flow

3.1 Control Expressions

Logical operators

<left> and <right>的规则(注意”短路“):

  1. Evaluate the subexpression <left>.
  2. If the result is a false value v, then the expression evaluates to v.
  3. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to the value of the subexpression <right>.

<left> or <right>的规则(同样”短路“):

  1. Evaluate the subexpression <left>.
  2. If the result is a true value v, then the expression evaluates to v.
  3. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to the value of the subexpression <right>.


Conditional expression

3.2 Conditional Statements


Conditional statements——If

Boolean Contexts

3.3 Iteration

「while」 statement

  1. Evaluate the header’s expression.
  2. If it is a true value, execute the (whole) suite, then return to step.

「for」 statement

3.4 Testing

“Testing a function” is the act of verifying that the function’s behavior matches expectations.


  1. Contains one or more sample calls to the function being tested.
  2. The returned value is then verified against an expected result.


方法2:Doctests (Docstring)

>>> def sum_naturals(n):
        """Return the sum of the first n natural numbers.

        >>> sum_naturals(10)
        >>> sum_naturals(100)
        total, k = 0, 1
        while k <= n:
            total, k = total + k, k + 1
        return total

When writing Python in files, all doctests in a file can be run by starting Python with the doctest command line option: python3 -m doctest <python_source_file>

4. Higher-Order Functions

What is a Higher-Order Functions? A function that takes a function as an argument value or returns a function as a return value. Some advantages:

  1. Express general methods of computation
  2. Remove repetition from programs
  3. Separate concerns among functions

4.1 Functions as Arguments


def improve(update, close, guess=1):
    while not close(guess):
        guess = update(guess)
    return guess


def golden_update(guess):
    return 1/guess + 1

# check是否逼近x^2 - x - 1 = 0的根——黄金分割
def square_close_to_successor(guess):
    return approx_eq(guess * guess, guess + 1)

# 判断两个数是否足够近
def approx_eq(x, y, tolerance=1e-15):
    return abs(x - y) < tolerance

# >>> improve(golden_update, square_close_to_successor)
# 1.6180339887498951


  1. Naming and functions allow us to abstract away a vast amount of complexity.
  2. It is only by virtue of the fact that we have an extremely general evaluation procedure for the Python language that small components can be composed into complex processes.

4.2 Nested Definitions

在global frame里定义一堆函数的缺点:

  1. The global frame becomes cluttered with names of functions, which must all be unique.
  2. We are constrained by particular function signatures: the update argument to improve must take exactly one argument——如果某个update函数要吃两个参数,就会出问题。

因此,提出nested function definitions,解决上述两个问题。以「迭代法求平方根」为例:反复执行下面的sqrt_update函数,就会得到a的平方根。但与4.1中迭代法求黄金分割不同的是,这个update函数要求两个参数,而我们抽象出的improve函数只能接受参数数目为1的update函数。

def average(x, y):
    return (x + y)/2

def sqrt_update(x, a):
    return average(x, a/x)

# 回顾:抽象的improve函数
# def improve(update, close, guess=1):
#     while not close(guess):
#         guess = update(guess)
#     return guess

如何修改上述代码使其与improve函数兼容?使用nested functions:

def sqrt(a):
    def sqrt_update(x):
        return average(x, a/x)
    def sqrt_close(x):
        return approx_eq(x * x, a)
    return improve(sqrt_update, sqrt_close)

↑↑↑ local def statements only affect the current local frame >>> Locally Defined Functions: these local def statements don’t even get evaluated until sqrt is called!

  1. 每个user-defined function都有一个parent frame:就是该函数定义时所在的frame;
  2. 当该function被调用时会创建一个parent frame为该function的parent frame的local frame;
  3. 因此内嵌的函数have access to the names in the environment where they are defined (not where they are called).

↑↑↑ 以上图中的environment diagram为例:调用inner function sqrt_close的时候,它的local frame只能访问到它的上一级函数的local frame(f1)中的东西和global frame中的东西,而并不可以访问到调用它的函数的local frame(f2)中的东西。

因此优点为:The names of a local function do not interfere with names external to the function in which it is defined —— because the local function name will be bound in the current local environment in which it was defined, rather than the global environment.


  1. 一个function被def时:一定是在一个frame里被def的,该frame成为该function的parent。
  2. 一个function被call时:创建一个local frame,该local frame的parent是这个function的parent,也就是该function被定义时所在的frame,而非该function被调用时所在的frame。

4.3 Functions as Returned Values

Locally defined functions maintain their parent-frame environment when they are returned.


Self-Reference:The function could refer to its own name within its body.

本质:在function内部可以访问到global frame中的names。

4.4 「Application 1」Currying


Transforming a multi-argument function into a single-argument, higher-order function.


>>> make_adder(2)(3)
>>> add(2,3)


def curry2(f):
    f is a function with 2 arguments.
    def g(x):
        def h(y):
            return f(x,y)
        return h
    return g


make_adder = curry2(add)

# make_adder(2)(3)就等价于add(2,3)
# curry2(add)返回的是g,且”记住了“add
# curry2(add)(2)返回的是h,且”记住了“add、x=2
# curry2(add)(2)(3)返回的是f(x,y) <<< ”记住了“add、x=2,还要传入的y=3

4.5 「Application 2」Lambda Expressions

什么是lambda函数?与def statements的区别?什么时候用它更好?

Lambda expressions VS Def statements

4.6 「Application 3」Decorators



【例题】Natural Chain:利用higher-order function记忆状态的经典案例。

5. Recursion

5.1 Recursion Functions

Def(Recursive function): A function is called recursive if the body of that function calls itself, either directly or indirectly.



  1. Verify the base case.
  2. Treat fact as a functional abstraction.
  3. Assume that fact(n-1) is correct.
  4. Verify that fact(n) is correct, assuming that fact(n-1) correct.

5.2 Mutual Recursion

Two functions call each other.

Example: Is Even and Is Odd

def is_even(n):
	if n == 0:
		return True
	return is_odd(n-1)

def is_odd(n):
	if n == 0:
		return False
	return is_even(n-1)

【附】上述例子的讲解视频:CS 61A Departmental

5.3 Tree Recursion

Def (tree recursion): Tree-shaped processes arise whenever executing the body of a recursive function makes more than one call to that function.

Example: Fibonacci Numbers

def fib(n):
    if n==0:
        return 0
    elif n==1:
        return 1
        return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

5.4 Example: Counting Partitions

Function description: Count the ways to partition n using parts up to m.


其次再想base cases

def count_partitions(n, m):
    """Count the ways to partition n using parts up to m."""
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    elif n < 0:
        return 0
    elif m == 0:
        return 0
        return count_partitions(n-m, m) + count_partitions(n, m-1)
