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Method | Fixed Effects - Revisiting

Posted on:October 1, 2024

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Entity Fixed Effects = Control For Entity

Fixed effects is a method of controlling for all variables, whether they’re observed or not, as long as they stay constant within some larger category… we’re controlling for a variable higher up on the hierarchy of our hierarchical data.

Suppose “individual” is the higher level (e.g., one individual has multiple observations over time). In this case, “individual” or “entity” fixed effects control for between-individual variation, that is to say, removing any variation between individuals. Hence, only variation within individuals remains >>> Therefore, we can purely examine the relationship between the variation in X and the variation in Y within individuals.

Another view: If we suspect the presence of observable or unobservable confounders that remain constant within individuals, we can control for these individuals directly, ensuring that all such within-constant & between-variable things are controlled for - In this way, the variation among DV cannot be attributed to these controlled factors.





These diagrams illustrate the estimation method corresponding to the Within Estimator, which involves applying mean centering to the data points. Another diagram demonstrates fitting a separate line for each individual’s data points, but with the same slope for all individuals—this corresponds to the LSDV estimation method.

Two-way Fixed Effects

Fixed effects = control for dummies = focus on the variation within that variable:

Add one fixed effect = remove between-that-variable variation = focus on within-that-variable variation of X and Y. We can add two fixed effects at the same time:

We can have two sets of fixed effects and neither of them is time:

Random Effects
