All the articles with the tag "causality".
Method | A Quick Introduction to Causal Inference
Posted on:December 1, 2024This quick introduction covers basic conceptual frameworks in causal inference and three practical methods.
Method | Fixed Effects - Revisiting
Posted on:October 1, 2024Entity fixed effects = control for entity = within entity, X ~ Y
Method | Understanding Instrumental Variable within Potential Outcome Framework
Posted on:September 27, 2024What causal quantity does the IV estimand aim to capture? Local ATE.
Method | Granger Causality Test
Posted on:May 1, 2024Granger causality testing is a statistical method used to assess whether one time series has forcasting or predictive power over another.
Method | Instrument Variables
Posted on:April 29, 2024If we find a variable Z that has a direct effect on X but not on Y, and does not indirectly affect Y through other paths, then if we observe an total effect of Z on Y, that effect can only be caused by X.
Method | Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Posted on:April 20, 2024To examine how the outcome variable changes after the intervention is implemented. Here, an intervention may be a policy, a program, or another treatment that is implemented at one specific time point.
Method | Fixed Effects Model & Random Effects Model
Posted on:March 20, 2024Fixed effects model aims to address a class of endogeneity issues, while random effects model aims to address the issue of autocorrelated errors.