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Method | Interrupted Time Series Analysis

Posted on:April 20, 2024

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We want to examine whether and how the outcome variable changes after the intervention is implemented. Here, an intervention may be a policy, a program, or another treatment that is implemented at one specific time point. One simple example:

There is another advantage of using the interrupted time series (ITS) model: it is relatively simple in many cases. This simplicity means you can draw a fairly valid conclusion with only two things: time and the start date of the intervention.

Model Specification

Three-variable version:

Y=β0+β1Time+β2Treatment+β3Time since treatment+ϵY = \beta_0 + \beta_1\text{Time} + \beta_2\text{Treatment} + \beta_3\text{Time since treatment} + \epsilon


Four possible scenarios for the effect of the intervention:

No effectβ2 = β3 = 0
Only immediate effect (short-term effect)β2 ≠ 0, β3 = 0
Only sustained effect (long-term effect)β2 = 0, β3 ≠ 0
Both immediate and sustained effectβ2 ≠ 0, β3 ≠ 0

Two-variable version:

Y=β0+β1Time+β2Treatment+β3Time×Treatment+ϵY = \beta_0 + \beta_1\text{Time} + \beta_2\text{Treatment} + \beta_3\text{Time}×\text{Treatment} + \epsilon


Implication: Causal Effects


Delayed Effects

If we suspect a delayed effect, we could examine both immediate and sustained effects several months following the intervention. For example, a fertility policy may not have an immediate effect on the birth rate because a pregnancy lasts at least 9 months.

Add Control Groups

A way to improve internal validity is to add a control group in which individuals are not involved in the intervention. In this case, we could be more confident that the effects observed in the treatment group are caused by the intervention, instead of by other events.
