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Method | Moderated Mediation

Posted on:January 3, 2024

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What is moderated mediation?

When an indirect effect of X on Y through M is moderated, we call this phenomenon moderated mediation (Hayes, 2013, p.358).

The following are models from the Hayes SPSS PROCESS Macro. ✅ means being moderated and ❌ means not being moderated.

Model 7 (first-stage moderation):

Model 14 (second-stage moderation):

Model 8 (first-stage moderation + moderation on direct effect):

Model 15 (second-stage moderation + moderation on direct effect):

What is mediated moderation?

A similar-sounding phenomenon is mediated moderation, which refers to the scenario in which an interaction between X and some moderator W on Y is carried through a mediator M … However, I argue that rarely can much meaningful come out of a mediated moderation analysis, because conceptualizing a process in terms of mediated moderation misdirects attention toward a variable in the model that actually doesn’t measure anything (Hayes, 2013, p.358).

Example: New Easterlin Paradox regarding Education

The “Easterlin Paradox” refers to the phenomenon that once income reaches a certain level, individual’s subjective well-being no longer increases with further income growth.

Education is supposed to be an approach for achieving happiness, but in recent years in China, it seems that increased education levels have not led to higher levels of well-being - this appears to be a new Easterlin paradox.

This paper introduces a mediator, cultural consumption (文化消费), to clarify the relationship between education and subjective well-being, with family income (家庭收入) as a moderator.


model.2 = '
# Regressions
cul_cons ~ a*edu + gender + age + health + party + hukou + prov + married + med_ins + old_ins
well_being ~ b*cul_cons + c*edu + d*log_inc + e*cul_cons:log_inc + gender + age + health + party + hukou + prov + married + med_ins + old_ins

# Mean of inc
log_inc ~ log_inc.mean*1

# Variance of inc
log_inc ~~ log_inc.var*log_inc

# Indirect effects
indirect.SDbelow := (b + e*(log_inc.mean-sqrt(log_inc.var)))*a
indirect.SDabove := (b + e*(log_inc.mean+sqrt(log_inc.var)))*a

# Direct effects
direct := c

# Total effects
total.SDbelow := direct + indirect.SDbelow
total.SDabove := direct + indirect.SDabove

# Proportion
prop.mediated.SDbelow := indirect.SDbelow / total.SDbelow
prop.mediated.SDabove := indirect.SDabove / total.SDabove

model.2 = sem(model.2, data=df, se="bootstrap", bootstrap=1000)

print(summary(model.2, fit.measures=TRUE))


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