All the articles with the tag "regression".
Statistics | Endogeneity
Posted on:March 5, 2025Cov(x,u)≠0
Statistics | Proportional-odds Logistic Regression
Posted on:February 27, 2025Ordered logistic regression with proportional odds assumption.
Statistics | Regression Diagnostics
Posted on:February 22, 2025You cannot simply walk away after running a regression. There are guidelines for diagnosing both linear and logistic regression models.
Method | Granger Causality Test
Posted on:May 1, 2024Granger causality testing is a statistical method used to assess whether one time series has forcasting or predictive power over another.
Method | Instrument Variables
Posted on:April 29, 2024If we find a variable Z that has a direct effect on X but not on Y, and does not indirectly affect Y through other paths, then if we observe an total effect of Z on Y, that effect can only be caused by X.
Statistics | Robust Standard Errors
Posted on:April 7, 2024A brief recap about robust💪 standard errors.
Method | Fixed Effects Model & Random Effects Model
Posted on:March 20, 2024Fixed effects model aims to address a class of endogeneity issues, while random effects model aims to address the issue of autocorrelated errors.
Method | Introduction About Time Series Regression
Posted on:March 18, 2024Note on ch. 10 to 12 of Wooldridge's Econometrics covering topics related to the classical and modern assumptions of time series regression, as well as the consequences, tests, and corrections of serial correlation problem.
Method | Moderated Mediation
Posted on:January 3, 2024Moderated mediation refers to the case where the indirect effect of X on Y through M is moderated by another variable.
Method | Exploratory Factor Analysis
Posted on:January 1, 2024Factor analysis is a data reduction technique that groups items into factors based on inter-correlations.
Method | Structural Equation Models
Posted on:December 27, 2023SEM is an umbrella term referring to a framework of linear models designed to explore relationships among both observable and unobservable variables.
Method | Mediation Analysis (in R)
Posted on:December 25, 2023A mediation model (X → M → Y) is a causal model grounded in theoretical construction rather than defined statistically.
Method | Linear Mixed Models
Posted on:December 12, 2023A Linear Mixed Model is a statistical model that is particularly useful for analyzing data that have both fixed and random effects, which are pretty common in fields like psychology.
Method | Analysis of Variance
Posted on:October 21, 2023One-way ANOVA; two-way ANOVA without replication; two-way ANOVA with replication; ANCOVA; MANOVA → All about ANOVA.
Method | Regression Analysis
Posted on:April 30, 2023A comprehensive guide to regression analysis covering both continuous and discrete data, tailored for social science students involved in quantitative research.
Method | Johnson-Neyman Technique
Posted on:March 25, 2019The Johnson-Neyman Technique is a statistical method used to determine the range of values of a moderator variable for which the relationship between two variables (e.g. DV ~ IV) is statistically significant.