Table of contents
1. For Linear Regression
1.1. Assumptions for LR
- Linearity: The mean of the dependent variable (DV), given the predictors, is a linear function of the predictors.
- Independence, Normality, and Equal Variance: The error terms are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) from .
- To be more precise, the normality and equal variance assumptions are “conditional version” - at each X, the error terms are normally distributed and have same variances.
- No Extreme Points: should be regarded as an additional assumption.
1.2. Residuals-Fitted Values Plot
A “healthy” plot should look like the following ones:

1) Residuals should randomly bounce above and below 0 (i.e. symmetry) >>> Linearity. The following plot indicates a violation, suggesting that the relationship between Y and Xs might not be linear:
2) Residuals are distributed within a horizontal band centered around 0 >>> Equal variances. The following plot indicates a violation, suggesting that variances of error might not be constant.

3) No residuals deviate drastically from the basic pattern >>> No outliers.
Remark: You can also plot a series of scatterplots with residuals on the y-axis and each predictor on the x-axis (i.e. Residuals-Predictors Plot). These plots function similarly to the Residuals-Fitted Values Plot, and the judging criteria are the same. A violation in at least one plot suggests that you should apply some transformations.
In R, we can use plot(model.1, which = 1)
to generate the Residuals-Fitted Values Plot.
1.3. Plot Residuals Only
Plot a histogram, boxplot, or normal probability plot of the residuals to check for Normality.
Normal probability plot: If the data follow a normal distribution, then a plot of the theoretical percentiles of the normal distribution versus the observed sample percentiles should be approximately linear. In this case, this plot is also called “Q-Q plot.”
Some indications for violations:
1) Skewed residuals

On the Q-Q plot, it mainly appears as larger sample quantiles on both ends.
2) Heavy-tailed residuals

On the Q-Q plot, it mainly appears as a smaller sample quantile on the far left and a larger sample quantile on the far right.
3) Normal residuals but with one outlier

In R,
## Generate Q-Q Plot
plot(model, which = 2)
# Histogram of residuals
main = "Histogram of Residuals", xlab = "Residuals")
# Boxplot of residuals
main = "Boxplot of Residuals", ylab = "Residuals", horizontal = TRUE)
1.4. Identify Influential Points
Influential data points can affect any part of the regression analysis, leading to significantly different results depending on their inclusion. Two sources of being influential: 1) high-leverage points (i.e., have extreme X values), 2) outliers (i.e., have Y values that do not follow the general trent of the rest of the data):

High-leverage points and outliers are not necessarily influential; they only have the potential to be. Therefore, further analysis is needed, such as comparing regressions with and without these points. This requires a two-step process: (1) identifying high-leverage points and outliers, and (2) assessing their actual influence.
Identify High-Leverage Points
- Compute leverage value of i-th obs: **** of the Hat Matrix
- Properties: 1) ranges between 0 and 1; 2) = #paras (including the intercept)
- Mean leverage value = #paras/n
- Criterion: leverage value exceeds three times the mean leverage value >>> high leverage
Identify Outliers
- Compute studentized residuals:
- Criterion: larger than 3 (in abs value) >>> an outlier
Cook’s Distance
- Cook’s Distance can be used to directly identify influential points.
- The formula for Cook‘s Distance includes both residual and leverage components, meaning it simultaneously accounts for both X and Y values.
- Cook’s Distance measures how much all fitted values change when the i-th observation is removed. A larger value indicates a stronger influence on the fitted values, suggesting the point is more influential.
- Criterion: 1) D>0.5 → might be influential but need further investigation; 2) D>1 → quite likely to be influential.
1.5. Residuals-Time Plot (Optional)
The plot is used to detect non-independence. The plot is only appropriate if you know the order in which the data were collected. In the plot, y-axis is residuals and x-axis is time (or other indicators for ordering). Here is a plot suggesting non-independence (i.e., residuals bounce randomly around the residual = 0 line):

The following plot shows a time trend:

2. For Logistic Regression
2.1. Residuals
In logistic regression diagnostics, residuals also play a central role. However, the calculation of residuals in logistic regression differs from that in linear regression. Below, we introduce two commonly used residuals in logistic regression.
- Deviance Residual
- where if and if
- It is the term in the log-likelihood function >>>
- Pearson Residual
- >>> standardize :
- Thus, Pearson residual can be regarded as the standardized y using predicted p.
2.2. For Goodness-Of-Fit
1) GOF Test with Deviance
Test statistic: Deviance
- Deviance is defined as the difference of log-likelihoods between the fitted model and the saturated model: .
- For grouped data, saturated model is the model that predicts ; for ungrouped data, the log-likelihood of the saturated model is exactly 0.
- Data in either grouped or ungrouped format produce the same fitted model and, therefore, the same log-likelihood for the fitted model. However, the saturated models differ in the two cases, leading to different deviances.
- Hence, GOF test using deviance only applies on Grouped Data because deviances computed from ungrouped data do not have an approximate chi-squared distribution. Moreover, even if the grouped data, when the group size ’s are small, the chi-square approximation is very bad so that we cannot rely on the testing result.
- Remark: The difference in deviances can be reliably used for a likelihood ratio test to compare models, regardless of whether the data is grouped or ungrouped.
- In r, it is called “residual deviance.”
Null distribution: chi-squared distribution with df = △(#ofParameters)
- The number of parameters in the saturated model = number of rows in the grouped data (i.e., unique ).
2) GOF Test with Pearson’s Chi-Squared statistic
Same H0 and H1.
Different test statistic.
Same null distribution.
3) GOF Test with Hosmer & Lemeshow statistic
- Ungrouped data that can be grouped >>> transform into grouped format >>> do GOF
- Ungrouped data that cannot be grouped, maybe due to having continuous predictors >>> use this method, which is also a chi-squared test.
2.3. Residual Plotting
Some say that residual plots are nearly useless when s are small or using ungrouped data (source), while others say that in this case residual plots are still useful (source).
Pearson residuals/Deviance residuals vs. Index

- Should randomly bounce within ±3 (or more strict, ±2)
- Horizontal band centered around 0 >>> constant variance due to standardization
- Similar: Pearson residuals/Deviance residuals vs. Predicted values

- In this plot, we can identify some outliers. For example, index=1403 has a very high Pearson residual.
- There are also logistic-regression-adapted version of leverage values and Cook’s distance. The physical meanings are the same.
3. References
- A quick and comprehensive review of logistic reg
- Identify influential observations in logistic reg
- Model diagnostics for logistic regression (heavily rely on plotting)
- GLM residuals and diagnostics
- GOF of logistic regression & Deviance & Grouped data
- Logistic regression tutorial A
- Logistic regression tutorial B
- Model diagnostics for linear regression (with one example)