46 articles I've posted.
Method | Analysis of Variance
Posted on:October 21, 2023One-way ANOVA; two-way ANOVA without replication; two-way ANOVA with replication; ANCOVA; MANOVA → All about ANOVA.
Paper Reading | A replication and expansion of the exposure effects of online model photos and social comparison goals on planned behaviors and self-efficacy to lose weight
Posted on:August 15, 2023This study replicated and expanded social comparison theory predictions in regard to how exposure to online models and explicit comparison goals affected planned behaviors and self-efficacy to lose weight in men and women.
Method | Regression Analysis
Posted on:April 30, 2023A comprehensive guide to regression analysis covering both continuous and discrete data, tailored for social science students involved in quantitative research.
Method | Network Analysis
Posted on:April 16, 2023An introduction to social network analysis, spanning analysis techniques from individual nodes to group dynamics, incorporating descriptive and inferential methodologies.
Note | Notes in Social Psychology
Posted on:March 21, 2023These notes compile insights from a series of social psychology lectures delivered by Professor Matthew Lieberman of UCLA in 2009.
R Programming
Posted on:December 21, 2022This tutorial draws comparisons to Python, another popular language in data science. If you know Python, this tutorial will aid in quickly getting started with R.
Python | POST Request Body: Content Type
Posted on:April 25, 2021How to specify a format (json/url-encoded string) for POST request body in Python?
Math | Linear Algebra
Posted on:October 21, 2020A brief introduction about linear algebra.
Project | Cancel or not? Predictive Analysis for Hotel Booking Data
Posted on:March 18, 2020This article presents the deep learning model section of a group project aimed at predicting whether a hotel booking will be cancelled (a Kaggle competition).
Method | Johnson-Neyman Technique
Posted on:March 25, 2019The Johnson-Neyman Technique is a statistical method used to determine the range of values of a moderator variable for which the relationship between two variables (e.g. DV ~ IV) is statistically significant.