46 articles I've posted.
Meta-Analysis | CI and PI in Meta-Analysis
Posted on:August 1, 2024Confidence Interval & Prediction Interval
Meta-Analysis | Three Models for Meta-Analysis
Posted on:July 1, 2024Common-Effect Model; Fixed-Effects Model; Random-Effects Model
Meta-Analysis | Publication Bias
Posted on:June 1, 2024The selected studies are systematically different from all available relevant studies.
Statistics | Power of Hypothesis Test
Posted on:May 10, 2024The power of a test is the probability that the test correctly rejects the H0 when alternative hypothesis H1 is true.
Method | Chi-square Test
Posted on:May 8, 2024Chi-square for distribution test, independence test, and trend analysis.
Method | Granger Causality Test
Posted on:May 1, 2024Granger causality testing is a statistical method used to assess whether one time series has forcasting or predictive power over another.
Method | Instrument Variables
Posted on:April 29, 2024If we find a variable Z that has a direct effect on X but not on Y, and does not indirectly affect Y through other paths, then if we observe an total effect of Z on Y, that effect can only be caused by X.
Method | Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Posted on:April 20, 2024To examine how the outcome variable changes after the intervention is implemented. Here, an intervention may be a policy, a program, or another treatment that is implemented at one specific time point.
Statistics | Robust Standard Errors
Posted on:April 7, 2024A brief recap about robust💪 standard errors.
NLP | Topic Modeling with BERTopic
Posted on:April 3, 2024Automatically determine the number of topics; Embeddings → Dimension Reduction → Clustering → Tokenization → Topic Representation → Fine-tuning.